Didi Moni

The world's best AI tutor. Now at your fingertips.

For Students

Don't struggle with your studies alone - add Didimoni on whatsapp and take control of your learning journey today!

  • Usability: Personalized tutoring, immediate feedback, and tailored learning experiences for any topic, all at your fingertips.

  • Availability: With 24/7 availability, you can get immediate feedback and answers to your academic questions. Learn subjects at your own pace without the constraints of the classroom.

  • Privacy: We use end-to-end encryption to ensure the privacy of students' information and data. Only anonymous data is stored and shared.

Didimoni is completely free for students for a limited time. No credit card required! Scan the QR code below to sign up!

For Teachers

Didimoni can supercharge your teaching, boost engagement in your classroom, and help your students achieve academic success!

  • Engagement: Gain better understanding of your students' interest areas, and customize your teaching plans accordingly for better outcomes.

  • Targeting: Identify individuals and groups of students who may be struggling with certain topics and provide targeted support.

  • Insights: Extract valuable insights into student performance and progress. With Didimoni, you can make data-driven decisions to adapt your teaching strategy.

Sounds Interesting?

Contact us to see how Didimoni can help you!